
Dealing with an Emotional Hijack

Dealing with an Emotional Hijack

Can you remember the last time when you went from “just fine” to “absolutely livid” in seconds?!  I had one of those moments just a few days ago. Being livid in seconds because of something that happened is referred to as being “emotionally hijacked” in Emotional...

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Flourishing Scale Assessment

Flourishing Scale Assessment

Flourishing is about becoming alive with possibility and being remarkably resilient to hard times.  It's more than just being happy as our behavior becomes creative, alive and uplifted as we live with meaning and purpose.  To find how you're doing, below is a...

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The Positivity Ratio

The Positivity Ratio

I've had the pleasure of speaking to groups of coaches in the Washington DC Metro Area on the topic of, “Weaving Positive Psychology Tools into Your Coaching.”  We began the session using the “What Went Well” tool that I shared with you in a previous article.  I’d...

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What is Positive Psychology?

What is Positive Psychology?

Positive Psychology is foremost about focus - about focusing on what’s right, what’s working, and what’s possible. It’s differentiated from much of the history of Psychology, which is the study of what’s wrong with us and the mental illness of human beings. There are...

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What are the Benefits of Thriving at Work?

What are the Benefits of Thriving at Work?

Thriving goes by other names including flourishing, positivity, and happiness.  Barbara Frederickson in her book Positivity, talks about how positive emotions aren’t just signals of well-being; they are creators of well-being.  A study of nearly every scientific...

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What is Thriving?

What is Thriving?

Thriving is prospering, being well, being at our best alive with possibility and resilient to hard times.  Martin Seligman is considered the Father of Positive Psychology and in his book Flourish, he defines five components of flourishing and takes the focus of...

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